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Saint Valentine’s Books for Catholic Kids
My kids love reading about the saints. It encourages and inspires them to reach to new heights. And... we love reading. With Valentine's Day around the corner, here is a reading list of our favorite Saint Valentine's Day Books for Catholic Kids! The first 3 books are...
Best Catholic Children’s Books of 2020
With a new year looming around the corner, let's give a salute to the best Catholic children's books that have been published in 2020! Psst! If you have a favorite that came out in 2020 that isn't mentioned here, please add it to the comments below! (If you click the...
Felt USA puzzle to learn states and capitals
Cue thoughtful music. I needed something to help my homeschooling kids learn where each of the states are located on the map, particularly something that was hands-on and screen-free. And when I called my mom (a previous 5th grade teacher) for ideas, she already had a...
Inspirational Lunch Box Notes for Kids
Do you ever feel like you want to give your child a big hug in the middle of their day while they're away at school? Well, leaving them a note in their lunch box is pretty close to that! Here are inspirational and Catholic-themed lunch box notes for your kids of all...
Free Saint Study Printable
Are you looking for a way to incorporate your saints and feast days better in your domestic home? Start with one saint and fill out this handy sheet with your family finding ways to celebrate your patron saint of the month throughout the month! Clicking the image will...
September Virtual Prayer Table
With so many activities going virtual this year, I have heard some teachers opting for a virtual prayer table to replace their classroom one. Kids love prayer tables and the physical aspect of praying and seeing their prayers on the table. It really bring things to...
101 Kid Activities for when They’re Bored
Are you in the middle of social isolation or do you have sick kids you're caring for at home? Whether you're quarantined or practicing caution, your kids will tell you they're bored at some point! Here are a bunch of ideas to fuel that fire and keep your kids from...