Sometimes they FINALLY get it if it’s just said a different way, right? That’s why my kids listen to podcasts. Their approaches and the subjects they introduce give my homeschooling kids a break from my voice and finally give them an A-ha! moment!

I usually scroll through and find podcast episodes that are related to stuff we’ve learned about recently or will learn in our curriculum, stuff happening in our current culture, and answers to questions they ask. So we don’t listen to all of these every week, just a few that I hand select!

These are our favorite educational podcasts for kids. I hope you find a new favorite here!

Tumble Science for Kids

Science stories and talking about science discoveries for kids. Learn about why trees go dormant and how to become an astronaut!

Catholic Sprouts

By far my favorite podcast that we listen to almost daily. It’s like a 6 minute espresso shot of religious education for kids!

Ear Snacks

Little blips that are important learning for your everyday scenarios. Learn about what the U.S. Census is and what is a super important ingredient when making a pie!

Stuff you missed in history class

Honestly, this is a little over my kids’ heads but I love it, and they’ll love it too when they’re around middle school age. Hear about the biographies of important men and women and how stuff in history actually went down.

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

The podcast for families with kids who ask crazy questions like… Why are some animals pets and others lunch? or Where does the sky end?

Masterpiece Makers

Learn about artists and their masterpieces from Durer to De Vinci to Millet. Seriously, so good!

Brains On!

An award-winning radio science show for kids to learn anything the everyday life of bees to how flu vaccines work and more!

The Past and the Curious: A History Podcast for Kids and Families

Did you ever wonder what happened to the Mona Lisa after Leonardo Da Vinci painted it and before it ended up in the Louvre? This podcast answers that question and more interesting factoids!

Classics for Kids

Created by NPR, this podcast introduces kids to classical music and helps them to develop a love of it!

Smash Boom Best

Made by the same folks as Brains On! and focusing on throwing two things together to explore the differences and similarities, like between Venus vs. Jupiter!

Noodle Loaf

Check out these short but sweet episodes where kids can learn bits of rhythm, pitch matching, and pattern recognition through music!

Looking for podcasts for you, Mom?

I listen to these podcasts weekly:

I hope these podcast suggestions help to enhance your child’s learning and you learn a few things along the way too!